
You can import, sync and remove the facilities on your Kolibri device from the Facilities tab in your Device dashboard.


To manage facilities on a given device, you must have the super admin permissions.

Open the Device page and navigate to Facilities tab.

Manage facilities on a device.

Import facility

If you are part of a wider learning environment (for example when several learning facilities like schools or community centers are managed by one central organization), and your device is used to store the data from other facilities that are offline, you must first import those facilities. Once you have imported the facility on your device, you can periodically connect to their local network and sync the learner progress data.

To import a facility on your device, follow these steps.

  1. Click the Import facility button.

  2. Any device that has Kolibri running in the local network should appear in the Select network address window.

    Select the device and click the Continue button.

    Select the network address of the device from which you want to import a facility.


    If you do not see the address of the device listed, but you know the IP address, you can add it manually. Click the Add new address link, and fill in the required information.

    Add the network address of the device manually.

    Manually add the network address of the device.

  3. Select facility. If there are several facilities on the source device, select the one you want to import.

    Select the facility you want to import.

  4. Enter admin credentials. The credentials (username and password) you provide in this step must be either those for the facility admin of the facility you are importing, or for the super admin of the device you are importing from.

    Enter admin credentials.

  5. Wait for the importing facility task to complete. It may take some time, so please be patient.

    Facility is successfully imported on your device.

  6. When the import process is completed click the Back to facilities link and you will see the new facility on the list.

    List of the facilities on your device.

Sync facility

You can use the Sync facility feature for a variety of needs in both offline and online settings.

To sync all facility data with a device from which you previously imported it from, follow these steps.

  1. Click the SYNC button for the desired facility.

  2. Any device that has Kolibri running in the local network should appear in the Select network address window. Select the network address of the device you want to sync with.

  3. Syncing process will start immediately and you will see the task progress bar in the Facilities page. When the sync process is completed you can open the task manager and review the size of the sent and received data.


Firewals may impede your ability to see other devices in your local network, or add them as source. If you are unable to see other devices, make sure to:

  • disable the firewalls on all the devices that you need to sync

  • restart Kolibri for broadcast to take effect

Sync with Kolibri Data Portal

If your Kolibri facility is part of a larger organization that tracks data on the Kolibri Data Portal, you can register and sync from Facilities page, same as from Facility > Data page.

  1. Click the OPTIONS button and select the Register option, to register your facility with the Kolibri Data Portal (you must provide the project token).

  2. Click the SYNC ALL button to sync all registered facilities to the Kolibri Data Portal.


Kolibri Data Portal (KDP) is a new feature that is not yet broadly released. We are currently providing access to KDP to organizations on a contractual basis, and ultimately planning to offer this as a paid service by Learning Equality.

Remove facility

To remove a facility from the device, follow these steps.

  1. Click the OPTIONS button on the right edge of the desired facility.

  2. Select the Remove option.

  3. Click the REMOVE button in the confirmation window to proceed, or CANCEL to exit.


When you remove a facility you will loose all its data. However, if you have previously synced it to another device or to the Kolibri Data Portal, you should be able to recover the removed facility data.